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  • Home
  • Large Banquet Hall

Large Banquet Hall

Our 1,610 m2 Large Banquet Hall can host up to 2,000 guests at once and can be redesigned according to our client’s preferences. With state-of-the-art broadcast and media systems, the convention hall offers you the best possible venue for your event.


Basic Information

Basic Information
Hall Location Area(㎡) Capacity
Seminars Banquet Theaters Reception
Geomungo A Main Building
445㎡ 200 120 400 200
Geomungo B 634㎡ 400 300 750 400
Geomungo C 528㎡ 300 230 600 300
Geomungo AB 1,079㎡ 700 530 1,200 700
Convention Hall 1,607㎡ 1,200 1,000 2,000 1,200
